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A.C. Becken Catalogue, 1902

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Morning Glory Antiques & Jewelry

Costume Jewelry Magazine

103 State
Street, Columbus Memorial Building
Chicago, Illinois
1902 Catalogue
and Price List, Wholesale Only
for John
"Watches, diamonds, jewelry, clocks, umbrellas, canes, silverware, tools, pens,
pencils, optical, etc."

PHOTO jewelry, frames, easels and charms.

VICTORIAN photo buttons and
JEWELER’S findings and photo frames.


THE CARMEN adjustable expansion bracelet. The ALICE
Nielsen snake bracelets made in sterling silver "worn by Miss Nielsen in
The Fortune Teller".

tone expansion bracelet, 6-7" with 3/4" flower etched front.
SOLID gold, gold filled, rolled plate and sterling silver bracelets with
heart shaped locks.
A.C. Becken Catalogue, 1902

gate bracelet with embossed and plain hollow links and heart lock with
key, 7" bracelet and 3/4" heart lock. Marked on an end link and the top
of the heart "F&B" for Theo. W. Foster & Bro. Co., see Rainwater
"American Jewelry Mfg" page 94. Began circa 1898. View
View #V28754

PHOTO frames, round.

VICTORIAN photo buttons and
FINE Bohemian garnet jewelry in solid gold settings.
Lace pins, ear drops, hair pins all with diamond cut garnets.

BOHEMIAN rose cut garnet brooch with pendant loop
on back, circa 1900, 1-1/3". See Romero’s "Warman’s Jewelry, Ed.
2" page 69.
View #Q27930

FINE solid gold slide lockets.

square fob locket with rhinestone engraved "ARN",
circa 1900.
View #Y22832
LADIES 6 size, 14k gold hunting pendant watch cases.

ELGIN yellow gold 1-1/3" pocket
watch with engraved bird and flowers design.
View #w50715

The New England Watch Co.
Enameled watches

GENTS 16 size, 14k gold hunting stem wind watch cases. STERLING
Lady Racine sterling open face pocket watch, 935, "Bertha", 1-1/3".

GENTS 18 size, 10k gold filled hunting self winding watches. One has a
railroad train design on the cover.

FINE rolled gold plate "Dickens" vest watch chains.
1902 AC Becken Catalogue

carat 1-1/8" flip fob of banded agate and carnelian on a 16" chain.
View #V23421
GENTS and ladies fine silk fob watch chains.

filled watch chain with fob
View #V17046

SOLID gold cuff and safety pins for baby, ladies and children.
Solid gold front, rolled plate and sterling safety pins.

14k & AQUA ENAMEL tiny delicate lingerie pins
with tiny forget-me-nots. They came to me in this box,
but I do not know for sure that it is the original one.
View #Q19842
FINE solid gold 10k plump engraved band rings.
All rings with the letter "A" prefixed to number are 8K fine.

A.C. Becken Catalogue, 1902

14k gold morning glory embossed
size 3-3/4 ring.

EXTRA quality gold front and rolled plate ladies’ lace
pins and hair pins. Polished and engraved.

VICTORIAN gold filled bar pin
with purple stone, 2-1/8".
View #V28333

FINE solid gold brooch and lace pins.
Some with stones, seed pearls or enameling.

14K EDWARDIAN yellow gold
lover’s know pin with pearl center circa 1900, 7/8"
View #Q28567

SOLID gold and rolled gold plate screw drops and hoop ear

10k YELLOW GOLD gold Claddagh Etruscan-style pierced earrings, 5/8".
LATEST novelties in hat pins.

yellow gold knot motif with illegible hall mark, 1/2" and 2-1/3". #V27849

STERLING silver handle manicure, desk, sewing and toilet pieces.
Curling iron, boot hook, brush, darning egg, roller blotter, tea bell,
toothbrush, letter opener, ink eraser, cuticle knife, seal.

STERLING 3-1/2" ink roller faintly engraved "Sue" and sterling
"S" engraved tray, 3-1/2".
View #A50361
STERLING silver handle desk, manicure and toilet pieces. Curling iron, boot
hook, brush, darning egg, roller blotter, stamp moistener, toothbrush,
letter opener, ink eraser, cuticle knife, seal.

STERLING handled
embossed floral design darner, 6″ long and marked “A” in a diamond.
View #a15925

SASH fleur-de-lis and tulip
belt buckle remade into sash pin, 3-5/8".
View #i14562

LADIES’ belt or sash buckles in florals, cut steel and
A.C. Becken Catalogue, 1902
steel belt buckle, 2-1/4" by 2". View

silver lady face brooch.

EXTRA heavy sterling silver handle manicure and toilet
pieces, curling irons, shoe horn, button hook.

toiletries set of 4 pieces in an ornate scroll and dot design: a nail file, 6-1/2″,
button hook 7-1/4", brush 7", cuticle pusher 5".
View #a17411
EXTRA heavy sterling silver handle manicure and toilet pieces; nail brush,
tooth brush, nail file, hair puller, eraser, cuticle knife, candlestick
holder, seal, corn knife.

STERLING embossed floral
motif nail set, file and cuticle, 4-1/4" and 5-1/2".

STERLING silver handle embroidery and sewing scissors.

R&S Co
sterling sewing scissors with dolphin and scroll handles, 3-1/2" #a5482
FINE sterling silver novelties: sewing needle holders, tape measures, thread
winders and cork screws, wax ball, berry ball, glove darner, tape measures,
winder, pin cushion, cork screw, nail file.

F & B decorative
thread bobbin or winder. #a4181

STERLING silver match safes, stamp boxes, pocket mirrors,
coin box, stamp box, mirror
and sticking plaster cases.

VICTORIAN sterling
match safe marked "S sterling 789", scrolls design, 2-5/8" by 1-1/3", very
small dimples in 2 places.
View #a28684
FINE sterling silver novelties; flask, shaving brush, ink bottle, bon bon,
strop, menthol case or holder, shaving razor, .

WSW sterling lidded heavy beveled
crystal ink well, 3-1/2" wide by 3-3/4" tall.
View #a22728

FINE puff and salve cut glass dresser jars with silver lids.

WALLACE sterling lidded
glass dresser jar with the engraved initial "S" on the top, 3-1/2". Slight
ding on one side of lid

FINE sterling silver novelties; vinaigrettes, smelling salts, toothbrush
bottle, tooth powder bottle..

glass lay-down perfume or smelling salt bottle with sterling lid, 4-1/4".
View #a4576

EXTRA quality quadruple silver plated desk ink sets and ink

ARTS & CRAFTS silver
plated desk with foliate designs, set marked with a "KO & Co" in an oval,:
perpetual calendar 3"; rocker ink blotter
4"; pen tray 7-7/8" by 2-1/3"; inkwell 3" by 2-1/3".
KO& Co is Kronheimer Oldenbusch Co, New York, NY 1900-1922 as listed in
Schiffer’s "Silver Encyclopedia". Elsewhere on line it says they closed in
View #a32868

EXTRA quality quadruple silver plated card stands and trays, some with birds
or cherubs.

Reed & Barton silver plated card tray with swinging birds and footed
stand ornamented with faces at the center.
View #a7138

EXTRA quality triple and quadruple silver plated cake

MERIDAN silver plate cake
basket with ornate handle, rolled edge and etched design in bowl, circa
1900. View

QUADRUPLE silver plated celery stands, sugar sifters, salts & peppers.

lidded sugar sifter, salt and pepper with cut glass
fluted bodies.
View #a24068

WHITE metal novelties, easel mirrors, match safes, pin

VICTORIAN pot metal
horseshoe shaped picture frame embellished with flowers and bows.
View #a17409

EXTRA quality quadruple silver plated photograph frames.

VICTORIAN sterling
hallmarked "R.P." scroll embossed oval photo frame circa 1902, 3-1/8" by
2-1/2". View

JEWELER’S findings.
Becken’s Catalogue 1902

JEWELER’S findings. JEWELER’S findings.

NEW library statuary.

FINE quality biscuit and cracker jars with fine imported
decorated porcelain bowls.

EXTRA quality quadruple silver plated fern dishes, flower
pots and plateaus.
EXTRA fine quality quadruple silver plated butter dishes.

EXTRA quality quadruple silver plate tilting tea sets.

EXTRA quality quadruple silver played casters.

EXTRA quality quadruple silver played casters. EXTRA quality silver and nickel plated call bells.

FINE quality quadruple silver plated berry and fruit
dishes with fine imported glass bowls.

FINE quality quadruple silver plated berry and fruit dishes with fine
imported glass bowls.
NEW HAVEN Clock Company’s ormolu gilt and novelty clocks.

GILBERT Clock Company’s fine regulators and office clocks.

WATERBURY Clock Company’s fine regulators. WM. L. GILBERT Clock Company’s fine shelf clocks.

WATERBURY Clock Company’s fine drop octagon office clocks
and regulators.

SETH THOMAS Clock Company’s fine clocks and regulators. GET UP and WAKER electric alarm clocks

ANSONIA Clock Company’s fine decorated porcelain clocks.