VICTORIAN sterling silver locket with three leaf motif and a collar circa 1880s.� The� chain is 20″ wearable length with a 2″ Y.�� The locket is 1-1/4″ by 1″ with red satin lined fittings for 2 photos inside, including the frames and covers for photos. � View�� View�� View�� View�� View�� View�� View � #V41112�� … Continue reading “VICTORIAN sterling silver locket with three leaf motif and a collar circa 1880s”
VICTORIAN sterling silver locket and collar circa 1880s.� The locket has an open cartouche for your initials, and a floral design on one side and geometric design on the other.� The collar with an etched X’s design on one side and is plain on the other.� The locket is 1-1/2″ by 1-1/4″ and the collar … Continue reading “VICTORIAN sterling silver locket and collar, open cartouche for your initials”
VICTORIAN Aesthetic sterling silver hinged bangle bracelet�with a design of� birds, butterflies�and bamboo on the front, marked inside “Sterling Silver”, it is circa 1880s, 7″ by 3/4″.� It is in very good vintage condition.� View�� View�� #V38472�� $248.00
VICTORIAN British Lawrence Emanuel sterling silver aide memoire case with the bound notebook and chain attached pencil, gold edged paper inside, hallmarked on the end for sterling, Birmingham 1890 and a maker’s mark “LF” for Lawrence Emanuel.� The case itself is 3-1/8″ by 1″, 1/3″ thick.� This can be used with a chatelaine, too.� It … Continue reading “VICTORIAN British Lawrence Emaneul sterling silver aide memoire”
VICTORIAN sterling silver fan brooch with Aesthetic etched bird and bamboo leaves design, 1-1/2″.��Circa 1880, it is in excellent antique condition. � View��� #V28798��� $88.00
VICTORIAN�sterling silver locket and collar circa 1880s.� The locket has a lovely etched urn and foliate design on the front and a garter motif on the back with fittings inside for two pictures but no photo cover.� The locket is 1-1/2″ by 1-1/4″, the collar 16-1/2″” and 1-1/4″ wide. � View�� View�� View�� View�� View … Continue reading “VICTORIAN sterling silver locket and collar circa 1880s, lovely etched urn and foliate design”
VICTORIAN sterling silver buckle locket and trefoil collar circa 1880.� There are fittings for two photos inside but no glass covers, and one small shallow dimple on the back of the locket.� The locket is 1-1/2″ by 1-1/4″.� The silver collar has trefoil edges with pierced stars and woven chain, 16-3/4″ by 5/8″.� The locket … Continue reading “VICTORIAN sterling silver buckle locket trefoil collar circa 1880”
VICTORIAN sterling silver locket and collar, the locket with buckle motif and the collar with puffy links, each decorated with etched leaves and a beaded edge, circa 1880s.� There are fittings inside the locket for 2 photos, and the locket is 1-5/8″ by 1-1/4″, with only some very shallow dents on the back.� The collar … Continue reading “VICTORIAN sterling silver buckle locket and collar 1880s”
VICTORIAN Aesthetic sterling silver hinged bangle bracelet, circa 1880s, �with etched designs and raised oval on the front.� This is 6-1/2″ around the inside, a good size for a smaller than normal wrist, and it is 1″ wide.� The designs include a bird, bamboo, ferns and leaves on both the applied plaque and the front … Continue reading “VICTORIAN aesthetic silver hinged bangle bracelet etched bird and ferns design”
VICTORIAN antique sterling silver locket and collar with the locket hallmarked� for Birmingham sterling 1879, maker “JE”. The collar has no hallmark but tests as sterling, and that is often the case with these collars. There is a fitting but no cover for a photo inside and the locket is 1-1/3″ by 1″, the collar … Continue reading “VICTORIAN sterling silver locket and collar, Birmingham, England, 1879”