VICTORIAN sterling silver collar necklace with etched leaves and scrolls on each link, circa 1880. It is 15-1/3" long by 1'2" wide, weighs .72 ounces, and tests as sterling. It fits close to the neck at 15-1/3", and it has etched and beaded design on the front side, ready to wear alone or with a locket. … Continue reading “VICTORIAN sterling silver collar necklace with etched leaves”
VICTORIAN sterling silver collar necklace with links with tiny flowers and a hollow half-ball beaded edge, marked "sterling" on the catch and tests as sterling, circa 1880s, 16-1/2" by 7/8". This is in good vintage condition and is light-weight and easy to wear. View View View View #V39366 $98.00
VICTORIAN sterling silver sweetheart pin, marked on the back "sterling silver", 2" by 5/8". Circa 1880, this is in excellent condition. View #V39378 $58.00
VICTORIAN 900 silver match safe with a farm scene on one side and a fisherman scene on the other, separated by scrolls on both edges, all embossed with great detail. The 900 mark is the US equivalent to coin silver, but other countries used it as well. It has a slide-out tray for the matches rather … Continue reading “VICTORIAN 900 silver match safe with a farm scene”
VICTORIAN gilt silver and green paste brooch set in very light weight gold, 2-3/4" by 2", boxed. The leaves and petals are all engraved with designs and the settings are buttercups. Three little petals are suspended at the bottom of the brooch for movement. View View #V38784 $238.00
VICTORIAN stars and flowers purse in blue, lavender, silver and pink glass beads with a patriotic stars center and flowers motif. This is a one-sided piece for display only.� The body is a bit shredded on the back, where�there are also missing beads (see the last photo) and the inside is worn and frail,�so it … Continue reading “VICTORIAN stars and flowers purse in blue, lavender, silver, pink- as is”
VICTORIAN�sterling silver coil cross-over bangle with English registration marks for what I think is 1882, 8″ total length but because of the cross-over, wearable of about�7-1/2″�and about 1/2″ wide There is one tiny dimple on the band and two on one faceted end. You have to�be looking really closely to see them, but I wanted … Continue reading “VICTORIAN sterling silver coil cross-over bangle with registrati”
VICTORIAN sterling silver sweetheart pin hallmarked for Birmingham 1904, 1-3/4″, the front shield shaped cartouche is still blank so you can have your own initials engraved there if you want to.��� View�� #V37208�� $48.00
VICTORIAN sterling silver ornate bows and ivy leaves brooch with beaded edge, hallmarked for Chester, England, date 1900 and maker’s mark “AJC”, 1-7/8″.� The AJC mark is probably for Alfred James Chester.� This is a sweetheart pin with bows and ivy leaves.��� View � #V13421�� $38.00
VICTORIAN mini portrait of a lady wearing her ermine stole and a beautiful headdress.� It was transferred onto a porcelain oval and then highlighted by hand, 2″ by 1-1/2″.� The number “80” is impressed into the back.� It is framed in a beaded silver frame with a swing-out stand. � View � #V36174�� $98.00