VICTORIAN woven hair watch chain with dark blond hair

VICTORIAN woven hair watch chain with dark blond hair in a tubular spiral weave with gold tone fitting and a loop for a fob in the center, 12-1/2″ by 5/16″ and hardly a hair out of place.  View   View   View   #V38198   $50.00

VICTORIAN jet cross hatch carved ring circa 1870

VICTORIAN jet cross hatch carved ring circa 1870, a larger ring at size 9, possibly a man’s ring, and 1/4″ wide. Jet is brittle and very difficult to carve so a ring like this would have been very challenging to make. It’s no wonder many of them didn’t survive until now.  View   #V37674   $238.00

VICTORIAN sterling sweetheart pin with rose gold overlay

VICTORIAN sterling sweetheart pin with rose gold overlay showing double horseshoes for good luck, flowers and leaves and a beaded edge, 1-3/4" by 1". Maker's mark "S.Bros" (Sydenham Brothers) hallmarked for Birmingham sterling date 1890.   View   #V38270   $98.00

VICTORIAN sterling Sweetheart pin with rose gold overlay

VICTORIAN sterling Sweetheart pin with rose gold overlay of a heart and leaves, etched designs, hallmarked for maker "TA" in a shield shape, Birmingham sterling and the date letter for 1899. This has a cold soldered hinge repair so it is priced "AS IS", 1-5/8" by 5/8", as is.  View    #V38255   $22.00