SHULTZ bakelite two row check bangle in smoke, green, blue

SHULTZ bakelite two row check bangle in smoke, green and blue, 2-1/2″ by 1″ by 1/3″. Shultz has been working with 1940s bakelite to fashion it into his own beautiful work since the 1980’s. This is signed, as is most of his work.  #B65672   $398.00

SHULTZ bakelite three row check bangle in red, apple juice, blue

SHULTZ bakelite three row check bangle in red, apple juice, blue moon, green, yellow, red and clear checks, 2-1/2″ by 1-1/8″ by 1/3″.  Ron Shultz is an artisan who uses vintage bakelite to create his all wonderful jewelry.    View   #B65673    $295.00

SHULTZ bakelite 3 row laminated bangle clear Lucite checks

SHULTZ bakelite 3 row laminated bangle with clear Lucite checks and blue and pink bakelite swirl edges, 2-1/2″ by 1″ by 1/2″. It is signed and in excellent condition. The Shultz’s started making bakelite jewelry in the 1980s and they make some pieces still. Ron Schultz creates his wonderful jewelry using only vintage circa 1940 bakelite, and every … Continue reading “SHULTZ bakelite 3 row laminated bangle clear Lucite checks”