BAKELITE red pinwheel and flower carved bakelite bangle

BAKELITE red pinwheel and flower carved bakelite bangle, a nice chunky 2-1/2″ by by 3/4″ with 1/3″ thick walls.  The carving on this is really nice and we  also have this bangle in a corn color version, our Product number 36902.  View  #B40418  $338.00

SHULTZ bakelite school days pin with carved red pencil, butterscotch alphabet blocks, black ink bottle and chalk board, red apple and yellow ruler

SHULTZ bakelite school days pin with carved red pencil, butterscotch alphabet blocks, black ink bottle and chalk board, red apple and yellow ruler,  what wonderful detail!  It was made in about 2002, and it is 2-5/8″ wide by 3-1/2″ long. This piece can be seen on page 121 in the book “Shultz Bakelite Jewelry” by … Continue reading “SHULTZ bakelite school days pin with carved red pencil, butterscotch alphabet blocks, black ink bottle and chalk board, red apple and yellow ruler”

SHULTZ bakelite red and black sailboat brooch with inlaid sailboat design in cream and burgundy

SHULTZ unusual bakelite red and black sailboat brooch with inlaid sailboat design in cream and burgundy, 2-3/4″.  This piece can be seen in the book “Bakelite Pins” by Karima Parry on page 149 and it is very special and fun as well.  Amazing the way the sailboat is set within the sail, reminding me of … Continue reading “SHULTZ bakelite red and black sailboat brooch with inlaid sailboat design in cream and burgundy”

BAKELITE green spoon carved bangle, wonderful design

BAKELITE green spoon carved bangle, 2-1/2″ by 3/4″ by 1/3″.  The carving is wonderful and I enjoy the design.  The last photo shows this bangle with a corn colored bangle carved like it which is for sale separately. View  View #B35282  $298.00