PANTTI bakelite cream colored bangle with four long oval different colored dots

PANTTI bakelite cream colored bangle with four long oval dots that are carved through in a diagonal pattern, and very interesting design, signed “Pantti” on the inside, 2-1/2″ by 1/2″ with 1/3″ walls. The dots are rose red, aqua, lavender and a darker aqua and this is signed “Pantti” on the inside.  The last photo … Continue reading “PANTTI bakelite cream colored bangle with four long oval different colored dots”

PANTTI bakelite cream color bangle with aqua lightly marbled long cream colored dots, signed

PANTTI bakelite cream color bangle with aqua lightly marbled long cream colored dots, signed “Pantti” on the inside, it is 2-1/2″ by 1/2″ with 1/3″ walls.  The last photo shows this bangle with others by Pantti, just as inspiration and only one is for sale at this price.  This bangle is in brand new condition.  … Continue reading “PANTTI bakelite cream color bangle with aqua lightly marbled long cream colored dots, signed”

BAKELITE translucent green carved bangle that has peach colored tints at the edges

BAKELITE translucent green carved bangle that has peach colored tints in some places, especially on the edges.  There are two small barely visible edge fleabites done when it was originally carved, 2-1/2″ by 1″ and 1/3″ thick. The last two photos ways to stack this with other bangles, shown just for fun.   View   View   … Continue reading “BAKELITE translucent green carved bangle that has peach colored tints at the edges”

BAKELITE red smooth thumbprint carved bangle

BAKELITE red smooth thumbprint carved bangle, 2-1/2″ by 3/4″ by 1/3″.  The soft tumbled carving casts such lovely shadows and this is a nice versatile bangle that combines well in lots of different stacks. View #B40473  $198.00